We kindly invite you as an exhibitor to submit your seminar proposal for Logistik & Transport 2024. There will be an open scene with awareness-raising seminars and cases from the industry’s leading people gathered under four themes;
- Global supply: The whole sea moves
- Legislation/Infrastructure: Ready for a different climate?
- Properties, locations and carriers: The Nordic logistics map
- Profitability & Automation: The price of logistics – the pursuit of profitability
The whole sea moves
The “new normal” refuses to exist with the global logistics system: new pitfalls have appeared in the form of rebel attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea, and drought in the Panama Canal, while shipping companies are creating new alliances. During this track, we discuss what is happening in the world and in the global logistics system, and how it affects Swedish business operations.
Ready for a different climate?
Climate change is happening now, and people are trying to both prevent it and adapt. New technology and new business ideas are waiting around the corner – how can they contribute to a greener and more beautiful world? We also have political institutions, perhaps above all the EU, which quickly release legislation to steer business operations in a more sustainable direction. During this track, we talk innovation for the future and get an overview of the legislation to come.
The Nordic logistics map
Finland is logistically said to be an island and Norway means “the road to the north”. But what are the most important Nordic logistics locations and freight routes and how is the logistics map affected by Russia’s war of aggression and our NATO membership? During this track, we discuss the Nordic logistics map – both with a focus on the market, where the major carriers give their view, but also on logistics locations, freight flows and how these are affected by an increasingly uncertain environment.
The price of logistics – the pursuit of profitability
E-commerce decreased in turnover but not volume in 2023, the used market is growing and e-grocery is forced to show prospects for profitability. Lower value of goods drives the need to reduce costs for transport and logistics management, not least within the last mile. How to create efficient chains, are heavy automation investments the answer? What technology can connect the circular flow and when will robots and self-driving vehicles become a reality on a large scale?
Basic criteria for submission:
Presentations must be up to date. We encourage companies and customers to present current and up-to-date solutions and experiences. The presentation should include customer cases, market trends, inspirational lectures and good examples that can inspire our visitors. Avoid sales presentations to increase interest from the audience.
It is desirable if the lecture has a connection to themes established for the fair, see above.
Practical information
- Each seminar slot is about 20 minutes
- On stage there will be standing tables and standard technical equipment, such as a speaker system and screen
- Technicians are on site for the duration of the stage program
- Exposure of the seminar on digital screens
- Exposure of your program item on Wood Products & Technology’s website
- A seminar at Logistik & Transport is usually 20 minutes long and is to be conducted as a stage presentation with the support of PowerPoint. If another format is desired, such as presentation length or type of lecture (eg workshop), this must be clearly stated in the submitted description.
Description of seminar item
Must be relevant, notional and comprehensible.
If you register the seminar for another speaker, please check the box and click on the plus sign to add the speaker.
Seminar description
The complete description will also be published on the website. Describe your topic in a way to create an interest from a potential audience.
You can log in and make additions as long as the registration is open until, May 31st.
For your seminar to be considered, the following deadlines apply:
- May 31st 2024: proposal submission deadline
- 14-15 November 2024: dates for Logistik & Transport
Admission is ongoing, so please submit your proposal at your earliest convenience as the sessions may be filed before the submission deadline.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact: Jenny Lans, Content Planner, jenny.lans@svenskamassan.se